Divine Mother

Move from overwhelmed and exhausted to a self-aware, empowered, thriving mother using your intuitive strength as your superpower.

4-week, self-guided course to embrace your intuition and live in your purpose.

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What is divine mother?

This 4-week, audio drip-course is designed specifically for busy moms seeking practical guidance and support that can be implemented in the time it takes to fill up a glass of water.

Feel peacefully empowered as you connect to your purpose by clearing out the fog of limiting beliefs and fears with gentle ease so that you can live a life of soulful impact that changes the world for your children and every child in your lineage there after.

Your purposeful life starts here

Is your divine mother Beckoning?

Titles like “working mom” or “stay at home mom” sounded empty to my wild soul as I aimed higher than titles to be a mother who is LIT UP by her life outside the lines.

I hungered for conversations with soulful humans about why we are all on this planet in the first place, or how the cosmic energy is influencing us, and what crazy intuitive thing my child did that day.

I clung to every crumb of clarity I received from a psychic medium reading, the oracle card I pulled that morning, and dream I had last night to guide me to my purposeful life.

That wasn’t enough though. I was comfortably wading in the puddles of my soul’s power, held back by the fear of what would happen if I dove all in.

It took courage, bravery and a whole lotta self love to see that if I kept waiting for the right timing that it was never going to come. So, I dove. Head first.

If you too have your feet wet, you’re clinging to timing and signs for the cue to move ahead then Mama I say this with the utmost compassion, it is time.

In Divine Mother you will learn how to create space within your energy body to house the truth of your purpose so that you can live a life of deep fulfillment and forge a trail of positive change.

The world needs your magic, don’t hold back any longer.

The course experience

Weekly education, guided healing and meditation sessions delivered right to your favorite podcast platform.


Learn to identify your intuitive gifts and see the energetic blocks rooted in your body or lineage helping you break the cycles that hold you back from creating a life that makes you think, “Damn I can’t believe this real.”

Create Capacity

Much like a small house with too many things, your body can feel like it can’t possibly fit another energy. Learn to gently release and heal creating space so that you become a walking invitation to the universe to attract more peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Integrate Transformation

Learn to step into the world with your newly developed clarity, confidence, and courage by meeting new levels of yourself. She is a powerhouse, and her conviction won’t let you go back so get ready because you just reclaimed your purpose.

A mom-centric approach to learning

Structured to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.

Flexible audio learning

A 4-week drip course delivered to any podcast platform, allowing you to learn and grow at your own pace, in the time it takes to fill a glass of water.

Weekly Modules

Each week features one teaching module and one healing or meditation session, designed to be practical and manageable for busy moms.

60 minute 1:1 with Annika

Upgrade to get a 60-minute 1:1 Ignition Session with Annika to tackle any and all questions you may have about your healing journey. ($100 savings)


Embrace the highest levels of your energy and truth, leading to overflow with confidence and joy today.

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digital course

Divine Mother


4-week audio drip course

Digital course + 1:1

VIP Upgrade

$497 ($100 savings)

4-week audio drip course +
60-min Ignition Session with Annika


How I have empowered other women just like you.

Mothers are the foundation of change

Mothers are the foundation of change •

Not sure if this is right for you?

Join our free community – Mother Healer Circle – and start your journey with fellow mothers who are just as passionate about growth and change as you are.

Looking for immediate support and clarity?

Schedule an Ignition Session with Annika and get 60-minutes of clarity, clearing, and confidence.