Imagine using your intuitive strength as your superpower, navigating life with purpose, stepping powerfully into your most soulful career and mothering your child with peace.

The Sacred Mother Collective is your sanctuary—a space where you can advance your growth, connect with like-minded sisters, and receive the support and guidance you need to dive headfirst into that life you’ve been wanting to manifest.

Mothers are the foundation of change

Mothers are the foundation of change •

Is your sacred mother beckoning?

Titles like “working mom” or “stay at home mom” sound empty to your wild soul as you aim higher than titles to be a mother who is LIT UP by her life outside the lines.

You hunger for conversations with soulful humans about why we are all on this planet in the first place and or how the cosmic energy is influencing you.

You cling to every crumb of clarity you receive from a psychic reading or dream you had to guide you.

But this isn’t enough.

You crave more.

Sacred Mother Collective is here to satiate your hunger for spiritual expansion and give you monthly access to an intuitive whose mission is to empower mothers by offering a transformative experience that skyrockets you into your most purposeful life.

In Mentorship

What Mama’s are experiencing

Sacred Mother Collective

You’ll get monthly access to:

A private community Value $55

Where you can connect with me and like-minded mothers where we develop our intuitive gifts and take actionable steps toward manifesting your life of freedom.

Live monthly mentoring Q&A calls with me Value $350/month

Where you can ask me ANY question you want so you can be guided by an intuitive powerhouse to fast track you into your purpose.

Unlimited access to audio experiences like:

40- minute ancestral lineage healing Value $88

Meet your ancestors to cut energetic cords and break cycles once and for all for your children, by saying it ends with me.

Family healing Value: $88

Follow a guided meditation to heal family discords between you, your partner and your children so you can harmonize your relationships.

Lit up mother workshop Value: $88

Learn the exact method I used to go from burnt-out-mother to thriving intuitive living in my purpose.

50-minute energetic reclamation Value $88

Reclaim the pieces of yourself you have left with people, places, and things so you can come back into your full power.

Body & soul alignment Value $44

Activate and heal your 7 chakras with this visualization move through the energetic blocks that are holding you back from your greatest manifestations.

and one more thing…

Bonus Access:

Divine Mother Value $247

In this 4- week audio experience, feel peacefully empowered as you connect to your purpose by clearing out the fog of limiting beliefs and fears with gentle ease so that you can live a life of soulful impact that changes the world for your children and every child in your lineage thereafter.

With 3 audio experiences each week I guide you through:

  • Week 1 Energetic Hygiene: Learn to ground, protect, and clear energy

  • Week 2 Divine Support: Meet your spirit guide & learn to release negative energy & thoughts for good.

  • Week 3 Taking it Higher: Chakra activation & meet your higher self to raise your vibrational frequency.

  • Week 4 Just the Beginning: Meet your future self & learn to integrate your new tools into your daily life so that you can manifest like a mother and live with purpose.

Aligned Mamas Mentorship Value $333

A never before seen peek at the first mentorship program teaching women how to connect to their intuitions. With easy to understand explanations around energetics this is a must listen.

  • First: Energetic Basics for Mothers

  • Second: Applying Energetics

  • Third: Spirit Guides

  • Fourth: Soul Purpose Vs Soul Mission Vs Soul Path

  • Fifth: Awakening Your Intuition

  • Sixth: Future Self

a New program every quarter:

Align With Child

Coming November 2024

A 3- week exploration of your child’s soul from past life to current purpose. I’ll journey you through the cosmos to connect with the very truth of who they are, why they’re here and what they need from you in this life to thrive in their soul’s mission.

⚠️Caution: This course is proven to to alter the way you parent and view your child forever.

Annual VIP members get the experiences live, including: intuitive readings for your child & the opportunity to ask the burning questions you’ve always wanted answers to about your child’s behaviors, wants, and needs.

Audio Experience Value: $333 Live Experience: $1555

Children's Soul readings

What Mamas are saying…

A mom-centric approach to learning

Structured to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.

Flexible audio learning delivered to your favorite podcast app for an empowering self-paced experience to accommodate all seasons of motherhood.


This is a dream fit for you if:

✓ You’ve already begun your journey of self-discovery; you know the challenges of maintaining your spiritual practices amidst the chaos of everyday life.

✓ You’ve felt the pull to go deeper but struggle with how to make it happen.

✓ You’re ready to create a life that lights you up and resonates with your wild soul.

✓ You feel the call to manifest your family’s dreamiest life and it’s louder than ever.

✓ You find yourself outgrowing your career and are ready to make a big change.

Picture This:

It’s five minutes before your next group meeting. You’re brewing a cup of tea, reaching for your device, and already feeling the soothing embrace of this sacred collective. The energy of connection and calm begins to envelop you, and you know you’re exactly where you need to be.

As you prepare to join, a wave of excitement and serenity washes over you. You’re about to step into a space where every call brings a message of encouragement, a new energetic tool, or a healing insight that you’ve been yearning for.

A mother from halfway across the world begins to share her story, her voice filled with vulnerability and strength. As she speaks, you recognize parts of your own journey in hers, feeling a deep sense of connection. The shifts she’s describing resonate with the transformations you’re experiencing in your own life.

When she finishes, intuitive guidance flows through the group like a warm blanket, wrapping around your heart. It’s as if the message was meant for you, delivering exactly what you needed to hear.

As the call comes to a close, you feel uplifted, nourished, and aligned on a soul level. The energy lingers, and you find yourself already anticipating the next gathering, knowing that this sacred sisterhood is where you continue to grow, heal, and thrive.

If you've made this far, then, this Mentorship is for you Mama.

Join Sacred Mother Collective & unleash your power.

Section Styles white-only

 Sacred mother collective

Monthly Mentorship


4 months

 Sacred mother collective

VIP Annual Mentorship


Annual VIP

AFter a live call

What Mamas are experiencing

This soulful Mama hosts sold out retreats and came to me when her retreat sales had slowed. We dove into mindset work and within 8 hours after our call she wrote me this 🡣

She came to me hurt after yet another incident with her mother in-law, I guided her to set energetic boundaries. Then 1 hour later this happened 🡣

This empathic Mama jumped into hyper drive after a traumatic experience she supported a friend through. We dove into reclaiming her energy, giving her permission to let go of the heavy grief.

This Mama came to me when she felt blocked from her creative flow. Yearning for a connection to her next iteration of motherhood, career, and purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Over 20 flexible audio experiences created to expand and empower you, one monthly live Q & A call with me, new programs every quarter (and live readings if you go VIP) and a vibrant community space to receive and give support

  • We deeply value the connections formed within the Sacred Mother Collective. For this reason, cancellation is available after completing the initial 4-month investment. Once you've completed the four months, you may cancel your mentorship at any time. However, if you choose to do so, just keep in mind that you don’t get to keep any of the content inside. If this is fine and you still want to go ahead and cancel then simply send an email to and our team will assist you with the process as we want to ensure that you have a hassle-free! experience.

  • Yes, the Sacred Mother Collective requires an initial commitment of 4 months. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and see the transformative impact it can have on your life. After the 4-month period, you can choose to continue or cancel at any time.

  • No, this mentorship does not grant access to Book of Truth. This program is distinct and separate from the offerings provided within 'Sacred Mother Collective.' 

  • No, the membership doesn't include one-on-one access. However, you will have access to me through the community chat and during Q&A calls within the group setting. In these sessions, I'll be available to offer guidance, answer your questions, and engage directly to support you on your journey. Ignition sessions are available upon purchase for 1:1 support.

Hi! I'm annika


Motherhood truly was the great initiation of my spiritual awakening.

It started with infertility and IVF, which brought me 2 incredible humans through a traumatic twin pregnancy and emergency c-section. Our twin girl was born with a rare genetic condition and hip dysplasia- she single handedly taught me how to heal my voice and be her advocate when the system misunderstood her. Our 3rd baby came in swiftly just 14 months after the twins. Yes, 3 babies in 14 months. I’m a master manifester, what did I expect after all that praying through infertility?

Sprinkle in the loss of a business, career changes, financial hardship, family struggles, and chronic illness and that’s when I met her, the rawest version of me. I could never have found her in the comfort of my limiting belief systems and trauma so they crumbled completely.

What I did next was profound and looking back now I know it was divinely guided. In the hardest, lowest, most painful and lonely time of my life I loved on my soul. I healed my body physically and energetically with both holistic and cosmic methods that have become my signature method of teachings.

I am an expert at helping mothers navigate the unknown when everything feels like it’s falling apart or going wrong. By pulling from my natural born and professionally trained skills as an intuitive mentor I weave in my life experience to help you step into that BIGNESS and support your transformation into living your most purposeful and peaceful life.

Mothers are the foundation of change

Mothers are the foundation of change •